Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Julia Eladia Tovar Bango "Paca" (1927-2009)

Today we mourn the death of a woman who has been a central figure in our lives here in Spain. Paca took Elyn into her life twenty-eight years ago, when Elyn was in Spain working on her dissertation. She became Elyn's "Spanish Mom" and Paca referred to Elyn as her American daughter. Until recently, Paca was a vital and active 82-year-old. She walked daily out to the Virgin of the Bridge, a hermitage outside of town that she maintained. There she welcomed pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. Those who have walked the Camino may remember her.

The photos attached were taken on April 25 of this year at the RomerĂ­a de San Marcos (a festival at the hermitage.) Paca was in her form, dancing with her daughter Piedad and selling candles to be lit before the Virgin. That is the way she will always remain for us, a bright, friendly, and loving presence for us, her adopted American family.

Paca, RIP


  1. That's exactly how I remember her. Love you guys!

  2. Sorry for your loss, guys. Sounds like she was a great friend.
