Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where to Get the Facts

As the election season heats up to white-hot proportions, it is more and more important that we all engage in fact checking for ourselves. The best source of factual information on what the campaigns are saying is CLICK HERE

For a graphic version that is lighter and more fun to look at go to CLICK HERE.

I know that there is a theory out there that fact checking just reinforces the lies because somehow we don't really register the "not true" part of a fact check and only remember the "fact" itself, but I still think that some of us are awake enough to process information.

I strongly urge you to bookmark these URLs and go there regularly to see who is lying and who is distorting. I will continue to write posts about the misleading statements I hear on TV, online, and what people tell me as I'm out working as a voter registrar here in Santa Fe, but it is important that we all check the facts for ourselves.

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