A bi-weekly newspaper here in Santa Fe (The New Mexico Sun News) has taken the bold step of announcing on its front page OBAMA WINS!, accompanied by a full color picture of the candidate. Their reasoning was that the paper would not be published again until after the election and by then it would be old news.
A personal journal about my life as I age. Reflections, comments, rants, and stuff I find on the net. That's HFUID for those who love acronyms.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Obama Wins?
A bi-weekly newspaper here in Santa Fe (The New Mexico Sun News) has taken the bold step of announcing on its front page OBAMA WINS!, accompanied by a full color picture of the candidate. Their reasoning was that the paper would not be published again until after the election and by then it would be old news.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A New Low in Campaign Ads
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Medicare Scare
Monday, October 20, 2008
ACORN's response to the media blitz
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Powell's Endorsement of Obama
Saturday, October 18, 2008
ACORN Again and Again
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bush's Signing Statements
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
ACORN, Ayers, and Republican Voter Suppression
CNN and other cable news services are awash with accusations about Barack Obama’s activities with so-called “radical” organizations and individuals. I have attempted to check out as many of these claims as I can. I urge you to go to the URLs listed below to see for yourself what is behind the claims.
The news organizations are making a big play concerning fraudulent voter registration forms submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Claims are made that several thousand fraudulent forms have been submitted in several states. Some of the reporting claims that ACORN offices are closed or abandoned and that no one from ACORN is available to discuss these fraudulent activities. These reports create the impression that ACORN is a shadowy organization that operates outside the law. I Googled ACORN and came up with a statement concerning these charges from the organization itself. I make no claim that their statement is true, but simply submit the statement for your consideration. CLICK HERE Here is an article you might be interested in. CLICK HERE
It is true that the Obama campaign has paid ACORN to assist in voter registration.
Another constant thread on cable news concerns Obama’s links to 60s radical Bill Ayers. The McCain campaign has produced a series of ads that attempt to show that Obama associates with “terrorists” and uses his link to Bill Ayers as evidence. FactCheck.org has a very good article debunking these claims. CLICK HERE
The ACORN piece claims that the charges of fraud are a part of the Republican Party’s attempts to suppress the votes of minority voters. I will continue to check this out and add a report if I find any evidence to support these claims. Here is one article for your consideration. CLICK HERE And here is another. CLICK HERE And here is another: CLICK HERE
We are in a very hotly contested campaign and it is important that we try to inform ourselves about the truth of any claim we see in the media.