Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekly address for December 6, 2008

Here is the latest weekly address by President Elect Barack Obama. My personal feeling is that help is on the way now. On the negative side, I've heard from my old-politic "conservative" friends that the current economic meltdown is somehow Obama's fault. How anyone can look at the past eight years and the gradual slide into depression that the Bush administration has caused and think that it is all Obama's fault is way beyond me, but I expect to hear more and more of this as conditions get worse over the next months. Don't fall into that trap. This great depression is the fault of the Republican administration more than any thing else, and Obama won't be able to work any kind of magic to get us out of it. However, I have confidence that his plans will ultimately do just that. Let's give him a year or so to see what he can do.

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