Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In Sahagun

We have been in Sahagun, Spain for two days now. It appears that we can get our permanent ID cards in one month, so we are planning to take an apartment here in Sahagun and perhaps travel in Spain for this time, since we can't really leave the country. Sahagun is very comfortable. We have our Spanish family from the times when Elyn and the two of us lived here. They are very welcoming and helpful in negotiating the local officialdom, etc.

Today we begin the search for an apartment. Our idea is to establish a local home base to work and travel from. Spain is very welcoming to senior citizens. We have discount cards that give us 40% discount on the trains. We can travel around the country with little expense and there is much to do and see. First we establish ourselves here and then we will know the next step. We find that we can't really make more long-range plans, so we just take it day by day.

Life is good here. The food is excellent and inexpensive. Everything we need seems within reach. We are having fun, which is our primary objective. We'll check back when we have more to report.

1 comment:

  1. I envy you. Everyone should take advantage of travel opportunities while they are still able. Spain has so much to offer and I loved their attitude on having fun. The Spanish know how to live.
