Friday, July 25, 2008


This is our 14th anniversary, Elyn and me. What a great 14 years it has been—the best of my life, for sure. We have had adventures, endured personal hardships, and mostly had a lot of fun together.

We originally chose July 25 for two reasons—it is the saint's day for St. James and it is Elyn's son's birthday. Elyn's passion for St. James (Santiago for Spanish speakers) goes back to 1981 when she chose the Camino de Santiago as her thesis topic. That choice has led to at least three books (Following the Milky Way, Dead End on the Camino, and The Journey), magazine articles, and several visits to Spain over the years. It is what has seemed to propel us back in that direction this year.

So, happy anniversary, Elyn; happy birthday, Jesse, and happy Dia de Santiago for the rest of the world.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you guys as well!

    Love you! :)
