Monday, July 28, 2008

Other blogs

I sometimes scan other blogs and there are a few that I read every day. In particular I read Time Goes By (click to go there) because it is a serious and thoughtful discussion that I enjoy participating in. I regularly check in on Big Fun in a Tiny Pueblo because the American who writes it lives with her husband Paddy on a farm very near to the place we will be moving to. She puts up lots of photos and even videos that give us a picture of that part of Spain. Other blogs I find by clicking on the suggestions listed on the blogs I read. I have recently found blogs like Views from the Back Row, written by a bass trombone player in a symphony orchestra that are interesting. A blog that intrigues me is one that has the pedestrian name Married in Ohio. This couple has had over 1,600,000 hits on their blog simply because they are carefully documenting their entire sex life in photos and video. Don't go there unless you are prepared for graphic sexual content. What I find amazing is the number of hits, which are nearly a thousand times any other blog I've seen. The interest people must have in viewing other couples like themselves having sex is amazing.

There is a tremendous variety of stuff out there on the blogosphere. Most is pretty much random firings like mine, but there are thoughtful discussions, silly blogs, blogs devoted to cats and dogs, and blogs that just whine most of the time. Have fun!


  1. Hi Gary. The back thing will pass, I'm sure, and you'll be enthusing again about travelling and moving to N. Spain.

    El jefe and I missed your blog before about other sites and just caught up. Being the nosy vaca I am I had to go see marriedinohio. My, oh my, what an enthusiastic pair. At 73 and 67 respectively, we felt exhausted and inadequate just looking! There's nowt so queer as folk (as Yorkshire, UK, people say) on these blogs.

  2. Glad to see someone respond to my many postings. I've visited your site but haven't made comments as yet. I'm making a mental note to do so in the future. I know how much a single comment can encourage us to keep on blogging.

    Yes, Married in Ohio folks are certainly active!
